It's only a demo, maybe the numbering wasn't set yet? Perhaps a placeholder? Cuz it's a weird ass position for a random single-stage Pokemon.

To make matters worse, this version of Sneasel is... significantly more boring than the final one, to say the least. It's just a cartoon weasel, with no flair. It's a fine cartoon weasel, but nothing more. But, it was only pure-Dark. I was hoping to discover the justification for Sneasel's Ice typing (perhaps the original had heavy fur?) but no dice! They just made that up to get more Ice in the game.
Overall: 4/10
holy nuts, now that I'm coming back to this, this one basically just looks like Koppa from Shiren the Wanderer
for reference, Shiren Is one of the games In the mystery dungeon series that came before PMD! It's become a favorite of mine besides well... PMD Itself, so excuse my shilling