Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Best Beta Gen Pokemon

I weep for what never got the chance to exist. We were missing out, man.

10. Pangshi
9. Beta-Magby
8. Bomseaker
7. Dynabear
6. Anchorage
5. Rinring
4. Bellboyant
3. Warwolf
2. Tigrette
1. Octillery

I made the executive decision to bump Beta-Scizor from the list, because while he is indeed awesome, he's equally awesome to his final version, whereas Beta-Magby was a vast improvement. And this also opened a slot for another original Pokemon, Pangshi, to squeeze in there. Hey, it's my site, I make the rules, ok?

How about you - which Beta Pokemon do you wish were real?

(no all-time ranking update, since I'd be comparing idealized phantoms with the all-too-fallible flesh)


  1. Since they cut Rinring, Gen 2 is the only one without a 2-stage cat Pokémon. Think about it.

  2. Still disappointed we didn't get rayleep over mantine
