Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wild Region of Galar

One of the things I hoped this game would give me is a free camera, and expansive environment. I was disappointed with the initial reveal, but they recently gave details on the "Wild Region" in the center of Galar, were free-roam is possible!

And so, I've spent some time trying to pinpoint down where the shots from the trailer came from.

Now, compare those with the other areas we saw:


I noticed some differences. These areas
1. have trainers
2. don't have roaming Pokemon
3. don't take place in that central field area
4. have a fixed camera

This leads me to believe that the Wild Region only extends this far:

Which is a little disappointing, and I don't see why they couldn't extend the camera to the whole game, but whatever. It's better than nothing.

But now I have a new complaint... if you have wild Pokemon just roaming around, clearly you have walking animations for all of them. So why can't we have them following us!?

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