Saturday, January 11, 2020

No. 812: Rillaboom

And this... is to go even further beyond!!!

Again, we must mention how the in-game model carries a bigass drum around. I usually hate that sort of thing (Pokemon carrying stuff) but then he straps it to his back when he runs, so I guess it checks out. Strangely, it's not featured here. Probably because the big hair gets in the way, and was never intended to have a backpack, but they realized after adding the idea of the drum that it would need to be portable. Anyway.

I've been critical in recent generations of the trend for starters to look like "characters" rather than common monsters. But Rillaboom (sans drum) avoids that pitfall. He's just a big monkey with Super Saiyan 3 hair, and I can respect that.

On the other hand, he's hardly very exciting, either. Compared to Simisage, the Gen 5 grass monkey with a baller pompadour, Rillaboom falls flat. As exciting as the concept of "Donkey Kong in a wig" sounds, in execution it winds up kinda dull.

Overall: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. I haven’t played the new gen but I would probably choose this guy because he looks like Kars. ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
