Saturday, April 25, 2020

MORE Betamons

So apparently they found ANOTHER early build of Gold/Silver, with even more Betamon designs! Some completely original ones, some early versions of existing ones, and some earlier versions of beta designs that ended up being cut anyway!

That's Celebi in the top middle, by the way. Looking like a desiccated corpse.

I'll wait for people to unpack everything and create some appropriate artwork, but I definitely intend to take a look at these peeps, too!


  1. Ghost. Type. Celebi.
    Oh, what could have been.

    That Wooper is way closer to an axolotl, too. I would have liked that. A lotl.

  2. Hey man, are you okay? Haven't heard from you in while and I really miss your posts!

  3. Ok it's been a month, time to annoy you asking for new posts.
