Saturday, May 6, 2023

No. 915: Lechonk

 no match for Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate!

Every route, we get a boring ass Normal type rodent in the early routes. Nobody likes them, nobody uses them, and yet they persist. Of course, last time it was a sheep - not a rodent, not even by the loosest approximation. Neither is a pig, and perhaps it's no coincidence that both Wooloo and Lechonk have been better than the usual fare.

I mean, it's still nothing great, let's be honest. I used to throw these suckers into the ocean in Wind Waker by the bushel. But at least it's not another groundhog-adjacent vermin. 

Overall: 4/10


  1. Wouldn't it be "el chonk" in Paldea?

    1. Not sure if you're joking or not, but "lechon" is a Spanish term for suckling pig.

    2. Oh really? I didn't know that. That tracks.

  2. A minor correction but Galar’s early mammal is Skwovet, which is a rodent.

    1. Straw Hat SamuraiMay 7, 2023 at 1:13 PM

      I had completely blocked Skwovet's hideous visage from my memory.
