Thursday, May 18, 2023

No. 917: Tarountula

round boi
We've had a couple of bagworm Pokemon before, like Pineco and Burmy. Tarountula fills that niche in a new way, and I think for the better. It's just more interesting to have a spider hanging around than a dumb ol' cocoon.

With that said, it's not like Tarountula is anything special. It's the first spider Pokemon that actually has 8 legs, but the legs aren't emphasized in the design so honestly it could have gotten away with just 6 without an issue. I think it looks like a silly bug who got stuck in a big ball of spaghetti, and sometimes that's okay.

Overall: 5/10


  1. It also kinda looks like a ball of wool or yarn, which means they could have evolved it into a spidersheep, rather than what we got.
