Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No. 054: Psyduck

Okay, why is his name Psyduck, when he isn't even a psychic type.

Not even a little.

And his gimmick is kinda lame, though he pulls it off well. "I act like I'm mentally impaired, but when I bonk my head I can do amazing things!" Which he goes and does, every time he's called out. It's a lame joke, and one that encourages kids to bonk their heads on things, but he does it well enough.

I guess I just feel that Psyduck is really, really, herp derpy. I mean, what sort of pokemon vonultarily learns amnesia? Isn't that usually a BAD thing? He doesn't fill me with rage, just kinda pity and aversion.

I almost feel bad for giving him a low score, but not that bad.

Overall: 3/10


  1. Am I the only one who finds it disconcerting it doesn't have feathers? It's like a platypus only not. It's sad when a real life animal would have made a better pokemon.

    1. I actually wanted to say something....but I cant disagree here
