Monday, November 15, 2010

No. 059: Arcanine

unf why are all fire types so awesome

Seriously, all the 1st gen fire types are at least great, and most are awesome.

Arcanine is no exception. He is a bigger, more majestic Growlithe, and he runs fast like the wind apparently.

Also, he is called the Legendary Pokemon, in the same way that Pikachu is the Electric Mouse Pokemon. That made for some confusion about which pokemon were legendary and which weren't when I was young, but hey. The people who discovered him were all, "this guy is so amazing that lets put him up there with mewtwo and stuff okay guys", which I think we can all agree, was a GOOD DECISION.

There's not really much else to say, because everyone already loves Arcanine.

Overall: 10/10


  1. Why is he called the "Legendary Pokémon"? Well, that's because he was the original fire legendary, but then the creators thought it would be weird to have to birds and a dog. (Or at least this scenario was what I was told). However, Arcanine is freaking awesome anyway you hack it.

  2. good lord i love arcanine! that is all
