Monday, November 29, 2010

No. 065: Alakazam

Are you ready to trip all over some balls?

Because I am laying down a groundwork of balls right now, so feel free to trip all you want.

Okay, so,
Abra's japanese name: Casey.
Kadabra's japanese name: Yungeler.
Alakazam's japanese name: Hoodin.

don't see it yet?

Casey --> Edgar Cayce
Yungeler --> Uri Geller
Hoodin --> Houdini

these are all famous psychics and magicians, people. are you tripping balls yet? I hope so.

anyway, I hate Alakazam, because he is so over-used and over-powered. Here is how to beat pokemon blue: get an Abra. raise it to an Alakazam. teach it psychic. proceed to destroy everything.

seriously, it pissed me off how game breaking Alakazam was. There's no satisfaction is using him, either. And his goddamn spoons. I must admit that his sheer power merits some points, but still, screw Alakazam, and Kadabra as well. I'm sticking with Casey.

er, I mean, Abra.

overall: 2/10


  1. Where's the star on his forehead, dammit!? In my mind it only appears when all the world's Alakazams finally execute their plan to enslave the humans and use them as pokemon. When you see that star there is no hope, you have already been effortlessly spaghettified and your Alakazam didn't even have to fucking budge a muscle.

    Seriously, those things are fucking scary. They kind of start to look like Satan if you squint.

    1. A reason why Uri Geller tried to sue them. For millions of dollars...gladly he didnt win ^w^
