Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pryce of Mahogony Town

Pryce is one sassy old man

he's also a stylish old man, and that's what counts. longcoat and scarf, he's bundled up for some freaking winter storms. storms that he brings himself. and while that cane could be more hardcore, it still looks classy.

You know, I wonder if Pryce is like old rivals with Blaine. Maybe they had epic fire vs ice battles back in the day, but then they split up and live on opposite sides of the continent. But while Blaine is all out over-the-top fiery kickassery, Pryce perfers to take things on the subtle side. He's still going to destroy you, yeah, but he's going to do is in mocking silence. Then when you come up to him and ask for a rematch he'll smirk and offer you a nickel to go buy yourself a candy bar.

because that's how Pryce rolls.

His gym is pretty great, too. I've always liked the sliding puzzles in Pokemon. also, I hope you're proud of my for resisting the urge to spout ice-related puns nonstop like Arnold Schwarzenegger's second coming.

because while I'm more than capable of doing this, it raises my blood pressure too much. My doctor's told me to chill out.

Overall: 8/10


  1. How can you love something so loathsome like the sliding ice puzzles? They're annoying and they're in EVERY ice gym to date.

  2. some people like puzzles
    anyway, Bryce is cool, especially in the manga

  3. You mean to buy a RAGECANDYBAR?

    huh? huh?

    yeah that was poor.

  4. You're the first pokemon fan i meet who likes sliding puzzles.

  5. Hooray for sliding puzzles ^^
    (also, I rewatched some of your stuff, and many pics dont seem to work in Gen1)

  6. Pokemon puzzles are nothing compared to Zelda Gameboy sliding ones... the ones who don't like them in Pokemon have probably never played Zelda, which is sad. I like them, since they are REALLY easy.

    1. Actually i played Minish Cap and OOA. Pokemon sliding puzzles have never been a problem except for the one in the DPPT ice gym, that one is a pain in the ass

  7. Just realized how in the pryce/blaine comparison, they're both the 7th leader in their respective game. Coincidence? I think not.
