Saturday, October 2, 2010

No. 028: Sandslash

The hell? How did I miss two entire days??

Whatever, Sandslash is badass. If Sandshrew is an armadillo, then Sandslash is a porcupine armadillo with wolverine claws. Maybe more like a pangolin, actually, but nobody knows what those are. Google it, dumbass.

So, yeah. Really cool. Underrated, if you ask me. Its like Sandslash's aura of forgettableness extended to his totally badass evolution as well.

Which is a pity, because Sandslash is damn awesome. Even his name kicks ass.

I just realized I used "ass" 4 times. 5, now. When did my vocabulary become that of a 6th grader? At least I taught y'all what a pangolin is, so that's something.

So, yeah. Sandslash is cool and educational.

Overall: 10/10


  1. sandslash is one of the few (the only?) ground type that doesnt learn earthquake by level up. i would dock him some points for that
