Thursday, February 10, 2011

No. 121: Starmie

One of the most underrated Pokemon of all time.

Starmie is not a bad Pokemon in any regard. It has fine to good stats in every category, and can learn a lot of moves like Surf, Phychic, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt. Just that moveset alone can sweep most of the in-game trainers.

And since it gained a psychic sub-type, the whole "spinning means flying" thing is resolved. It's telekinesis now!

Basically, I didn't like Starmie, but then I remembered that Starmie is awesome and now I would totally put it in my team and re-play platinum. And also Starmie has all the cool looks of Staryu, but with more spikes. Remember, spikes are a criterea on which I judge.

Overall: 10/10