Monday, February 28, 2011

No. 137: Porygon

hoo boy.

Here's another Pokemon I don't think I'm really equipped to handle.

~Porygon was created by a computer, it is a virtual Pokemon. okay.

~And now it is in real life. um, not okay. We're only two points down and I'm already losing it.

~The technology sucked, so it was made with N64 graphics. no, not okay at all. If they can create virtual beings and teleport matter, why can't they do better than N64 graphics.

~Porygon can go into the computer and mess things up there, and ride around on the wires and shit, because that's what "virtual" means, right? NO. NO THAT IS NOT OKAY IN THE SLIGHTEST.

~Porygon gave like 350 Japanese kids seizures. Look, just screw this.

I don't even know what to believe. How in the hell did they make a shitty-ass computer model come to life. They literally created life. You can breed a Porygon. Professor Oak is laughing in the face of God. This can't end well.

seriously, how the SHIT does that even work?! it's not like it's a hologram. It is a physical being made out of Javascript. If it was a robot, that would be worrying, but acceptable. But this is just too much for me. It is living data. That can breed. Oh god does that mean it even has a polygonal-

I think I have to lie down.

Overall: N / 64


  1. What makes me wonder is how the heck did it get so early into the National Dex? it belongs to the FIRST 150 pokemon of all the pokemon ovverall. Isnt that confusing?

  2. Actually, it was Pikachu who gave all those kids seizures. Porygon just got blamed for it. Seriously though, I do love Porygon. What score would you give it if you were to give it a real score?

    1. Even now, coming back to it, I still can't really formulate a solid opinion. I guess it's not really BAD, so a 5? maybe a 6?
