Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No. 115: Kangaskhan

We've been over the Cubone thing, right?

I like Kangaskhan, if only because they are portrayed at total badasses in the anime. Whenever one shows up, everybody has to start tiptoe-ing around to avoid pissing it off, but they do, and then it wrecks everyone's shit.

Also, if there ever was a Pokemon that needed a pre-evo, this is it. I really don't understand why they haven't made one yet, it would basically just be that baby Kangaskhan.

but wait, that's a seperate entity, yeah? So how can you catch both in the same pokeball? Does that mean the baby is actually a growth, or some sort of clever lure or something? Because if a pokeball can capture two Pokemon who just happen to be really close together, why can't I tie a bunch of Zubat together and then catch them all, then release them as a giant swarm of bats?

Overall: 7/10


  1. I dunno..but I never was able to catch it...
    Why damnit? I want you Kangaskhan! many legitim questions...too many legitim questions....
