Friday, November 1, 2013

No. 660: Diggersby

whoa this is a fat rabbit

It's also a fat GROUND-type rabbit, which is such an amazing concept I'm surprised no one's thought of it before. The regional rodent being anything other than Normal-type, I mean. If Linoone turned out to be Normal/Electric, and Raticate was Normal/Dark, or anything, they would be much better. Because Normal is the most boring, generic type possible.

Diggersby has big strong ears, which are pretty neat. It's also wearing a fuzzy belt, which is slightly less neat. also it appears to be in need of a shave. Basically, it's your uncle Stuart, except as a cartoon bunny who can dig around in the dirt real well.

that makes it sound awful, and I apologize. Diggersby is alright. it's pretty scuzzy, but refreshingly not a piece of crap.

Overall: 6/10

ps - This marks the end of my October Challenge. I only missed one day, and that was yesterday, but in my defense, it was my birthday, and I was quite drunk. Expect things to slow down from here on out, but hopefully not to Summer levels. also, thanks to you all for making this my most-viewed month ever. NAPACE exists to tell all y'all plebeians what's what, so I'm glad there are a lot of plebeians getting educated.

jk you lot are wonderful thank you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just wish they gave him better stats... a ferret with tiny arms has more offensive power than a bunny with giant ear-arms that can destroy bedrock? Seriously, gamefreak?

    1. as a matter of fact, because it has huge power it is the only viable rodent, competitively.
      It's not amazing or anything, but not being a plain normal type and coming somewhat close to 500 BST with Huge Power (I think all values together are 480 or something like that)
      honestly, while this is positive, why the fuck did it take so insanely long to get the idea across that you don't have to start with shitty birds and rats. Vivillon still blows, so maybe next gen we'll get a somewhat decent butterfly/bee/moth for once

  3. Bibarel was Normal/Water. Sure, it's Bibarel, but it's the thought that counts.

  4. Besides the obvious type combination you hate, do you think that normal as a secondary typing should be explored more? Also, what's your opinion on the hypothetical typing of ghost/normal?

  5. Ugh...I havent anything against the idea withmixing Normal type with other types (irt was done before in Gen II and Gen 4 as I recall.
    But now it kinda feels overdone, especially with that new type. To me, its like giving an AWESOME electric pokemon just an added weakness.
    And about the bunny:
    Damn, didnt think you were so generous (probably its the not sole normal thing)
    To me its sh*t wrapped in sh*t doing shit to piss me off.

    I am sorry though since you know it better than me and I respect yor opinion

    1. In general, I'd prefer things to stop being Normal and be something else instead. though, Normal/Ghost would be crazy. immune to ghost and fighting, leaving only Dark as a weakness. and also immune to Normal.

    2. Hmmm, I kinda see that, but what kind of creature would THAT be?
      Though Steel/Ghost is pretty close to that. Still got three weakness (especially after getting nerfed)
      But from all the new Pokemons its my faves~

  6. Holy crap you predicted Alolan Faticate.

  7. the hillbilly pokemon. in the english dub they could not have made his sound any dumber. his name should be cletus and his special ability should be "shut up bitch, nascar is on."
