Saturday, October 16, 2021

No. 884: Duraludon

How come all those kids in high school had lighters on them at all times, despite not smoking?  

What's weird is that according to the Pokedex, Duraludon is relatively light. You'd think he'd be one sturdy boy, but I guess that's aluminum armor. Or maybe he's hollow.

But I admire the restraint to not just make a literal lighter Pokemon - someone had the good idea to at least wrap it up in a basic Dragon monster design, and that's probably for the best. The game already has a literal teacup, after all.

I'm taking away points for the stainless steal turtleneck, though. It was a look on Best Jeanist, but at least he can turn his head. Duraludon looks like he's wearing a neck brace.

Overall: 5/10


  1. I had never realised it's supposed to be a lighter. I just thought it was a stupid-ass skyscraper. I'm not sure which is dumber.
    And this was the big scary mon of the badass gym leader, too.

  2. the lighter interpretation is... very unique. first i've heard of it. still pretty sure that's coincidental wordplay via unintentional resemblance, though
