Friday, October 29, 2021

No. 897: Spectrier

Wasn't one of the beta Legendary Dogs kinda like this?

Holy shit, ANOTHER gem. Again, it's a simple concept, but one that hasn't been done before in Pokemon (spooky horse), and without anything to distract from the excellent design elements. I think it's cool how the hair tapers off into transparency, kinda like Dragapult's tail.

But the mane (hah) thing here is those hooves! Spectral hooves, disconnected from the leg itself, leaving a trail of purple ghost-smoke... it doesn't get any cooler than that. I love how it looks like it's floating, just by standing still. A great contrast with the exceptionally-solid Glastrier. I want to think that Spectrier doesn't leave hoofprints when it gallops through the night, straight into the nightmares of every young child of Galar.

Overall: 10/10


  1. Two solid 10/10's, wonder if the next one can live up to that...
