Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No. 618: Stunfisk

boy, I could go for some flapjacks right about now.

Stunfisk is a ugly son of a skunk, like most... whatever those fish are called. You know the ones, that go flat, move their eyes to the side of their face. Jesus, what are their names again? flatfish? whatever.

Notice the ! on the back there, that's a nice touch (the only remotely nice touch). It's like, you step on it and !!!!! you're getting electrocuted  funkass !!!! 

in other news, the combination of yellow on two shades of brown, arranged in a cow-pie-like manner isn't doing much other than making me think about piss and shit. so if that's what they were going for, then they absolutely nailed it. If they were after some other, less-noble goal, then perhaps they should re-evaluate their lives.

oh yeah, flounder. that's what that kind of fish is called. still a stupid crap. the ! is even pointing the wrong freaking direction, asshole.

Overall: 1/10


  1. This is based on a stargazer. They actually have electricity.

  2. Eh, when I first saw it, I thought it might be the evolution of Dunsparce. Give a stupid Pokemon a stupider kind of evolution. But, no, they're both equally lame stand alone Pokemon.

  3. I can't say I really liked this pokemon, but I'm surprised you didn't mention the "gotcha" typing that he recieved. Ground/electricity? And he's a fish? Who else didn't see that coming?
