Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No. 138: Omanyte

If Jurassic Park did it, so can the Pewtwer City museum!

Omanyte is a cute little neener, who probably was just too naive and got tricked into bathing in the tar pits.

But forget Omanyte, let's talk about his inspiration: The Freaking Nautilis. This bitch lives near the surface of the ocean, but when it gets hungry, it sinks all the damn way to the bottom to find food, which it does by swimming backwards. Then it floats back up. It does this all the god damned time. And it has been doing this for millions of years. There were nautiloids chilling with the dinosaurs. Also the nautilis has more tentacles than your average anime.

It's kinda say when your fictional, battling monster doesn't even compare to the real deal.

Overall: 3/10

1 comment:

  1. It is really "say".
    Though are you "say" because there will be no creepy fanfics with him and certain female trainers? ;3
