Thursday, March 31, 2011

No. 159: Croconaw

Wilma, I'm Ho-oooome!!

Seriously, why does Croconaw have a Fred Flinstone-esque pattern? What the hell is that even supposed to be? An egg shell? This isn't the baby leagues, why would he have an eggshell.

Maybe they're making a reference to how Totodile's excited jumping in the air is reminiscent of how Fred would click his heel when he got happy and stuff. Or maybe they want to make Croconaw a household symbol of classic animation. Or maybe they want to cache in on the cereal-eating crowd.

Or maybe it just looks stupid and I hate it.

Overall: 2/10


  1. D:

    *holds it*
    Don't cry...the meanie Straw hat didnt mean it that way....RIGHT?
    *looks at you*

  2. hmm. Nope. croconaw is one of the most poorly designed pokemon I can think of. The only thing it does right is cash in on that sweet fat-but-exercising demographic.

  3. Isn't that small blue triangular dot below its upper dots used for mating and urination?

    1. I mean yes since that small blue triangular spot below the two big ones on its upper belly is located in an unusual location so yeah.
