Saturday, April 9, 2011

No. 165: Ledyba

okay Ledyba is a dumb bug whatever

So shinies. I got beef with them.

What I wish, is that if they are going to be so rare, that they actually look like cool variant colors. For most Pokemon, using a monochrome color scheme with bits of red would do it. Just look at shiny Charizard and Rayquaza. They are freaking beasts.

but even still, they should not be so rare. Like, I should be able to find at least 6 shinies in the course of just playing the game. That doesn't garuntee I'll get the shinies I want, but I would have some and it would be awesome.

Especially since I could just trade online with hackers and get all the shinies I want, the rarity is only frustrating, but not actually real. If they were just really rare in-game, then people wouldn't bother with hackers, they'd just deal with the rarity.

but seriously, would it be too much to ask for shinies to not SUCK ASS all the time? Color inversion =/= cool times. Use some sense.

Like, Ledyba's shiny is just the same but a slightly different orange. what a little piss.

What if the shiny was black with red spots? Wouldn't that kick so much ass?

You know it would.

and I guess I should deal with Ledyba while I'm here. well, here's the deal - it's a dumb little bug. whatever.

Overall: 3/10

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