Monday, April 11, 2011

No. 167: Spinarak

Aw, look at this cute little dude!

He's a cute bug, with a happy face to see you! Don't worry about the spiderwebs that keep you from running away... that just means he likes you!

Seriously, Spinarak is neat. He reminds me a little of a skultula, in that he has a face on his back. Isn't there like a real life spider with one of those? Maybe, I can't be assed to find pictures right now.

But some people might notice that Spinarak is not technically an arachnid, because it has but 6 legs. To which I respond, "that's why its a Pokemon not an arachnid dumbass" but really I don't mind. It is a simplified design, and it works well.

Stripedy spider legs is cool, but why the little horn? I think they just kinda throw that on when they don't know what else to do. See: Seel, Nidoran, etc.

Overall: 9/10

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