Friday, June 3, 2011

No. 216: Teddiursa

Bears are either cute or badass, there is no other way.

and Teddiursa is very far on the "cute" side. just look at dat widdle bear. he gets his hands all sticky wicky with honey, and then adorably licks 'em off! he's so cuuuute!

If I was like a mom, I'd probably want to cuddle one of these things, and maybe put them in diapers, or something. I don't know, that's things that moms like, right?

I dunno, I'm not a mom. I'm just spitballing here.

Overall: 8/10

1 comment:

  1. Gag me. This pokemon is a perfect example of something being TOO cute, like Mort from Madagascar; You just want to punch it in the face. The anime episode where it turns out to be a total two-faced prick doesn't help either. I wouldn't mind if this pokemon went extinct.
