Sunday, June 26, 2011

No. 234: Stantler

Don't you give me that look, Stantler.

Seriously, stop looking at me like that. Stop it. JESUS STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT

okay, so the double-combo of Stantler's antler-eyes and disapproving stare has got me all worked up. Also, I don't like the look of that rump. That rump has a bump that doesn't sit well with me. Is it a tail, or an inflated buttock?

and the jowls. Lord, those jowls. I don't know any deer or elk, or anything with hooves for that matter, that has jowls. Dogs and people have jowls. Not deer.

Stantler, you are seriously creeping me out in ways I don't think were fully intended.

and stop staring at me.

Overall: 4/10


  1. Oh my god. I seriously had no opinion on Stantler before reading this... Now I'm afraid Stantler is ruined for me forever... >...<

  2. the epitome of forgettable that it becomes unforgettable
