Monday, September 5, 2011

No. 266: Silcoon

Silcoon... isn't that what they put in computers and fake boobs?

Okay, first off, does this thing have two eyes, or just one? If it has two I'm going to be pissed. That would make it just stupid enough to push me over the frigging edge.

As it is, we're close. The thing looks dumb, is a blatant remix of Kakuna and Metapod, two already sucky useless Pokemon, and the idea that it has one cycloptic eye is just unique enough to save it from utter disgrace.

Also, why the hell are there spikes on it. I mean, that's another thing it has going for it, but they just seem to damn random. Why? Cocoons never have spikes. How did it spin the silk to make the cocoon if the spikes were there, getting in the way? and if it grows them afterwards, then why don't they puncture through the shell?

Urg, I'm thinking too much about this little turd.

Overall: 2/10


  1. I think those spikes are silk. I imangine it hanging in a tree, the clumps of silk holding on to branches to keep it steady.

  2. I hate to break it to you, but it has two eyes.
