Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No. 286: Breloom

Does this guy remind anyone else of Fraggle rock? No? Okay, then.

See, Shroomish was pure Grass so Breloom could be Grass/Fighting without stepping on any lost Poison-type-toes.

Also, Breloom is pretty much the opposite of what I would expect a fighting mushroom to be like. I would expect a muscly little dude with a Toad hat and boxing gloves with spots on them, I guess. But some sort of mushroom dinosaur is cool, too.

And he's surprisingly powerful. I used one once, didn't expect much, but got a can full of ass-kicking, ready to be unleashed. His design is a little busy, though, and I don't know where the red claws came from. but he's still a badass.

Overall: 8/10


  1. Dinosaur? I always thought he was a based off a kangaroo.

    1. I think it's based both on a kangaroo AND a dinosaur lol. I'm getting a more kangaroo vide from it though.

      Mushroom + Kangaroo + Dinosaur....that is not a combination you hear every day and you certainly wouldn't think a something well designed would come out of it.

  2. I am reminded of Fraggle Rock, yes.
