Thursday, August 9, 2012

No. 493: Arceus

In the beginning, there was screen glare. Then Arceus said, "Let there be Back-lit LCD screens", and it was Good.

First, let me say that the cut-scene in Pokemon Platinum that ties Arceus to the creation of the Poke-world, and gives you a level 1 of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina, is one of the funniest fucking things I have ever seen in my entire goddamn life. I laughed til I cried.

Why? Because it's so ridiculous. Pokemon is about catching, training, befriending, and battling little monsters, as they grow into badass monsters. But then suddenly we have an entire Poke-Pantheon forming, with truly godlike entities, finally coming to a climax with the Godhead Creator itself - Arceus. Which can be caught by a 12-years-old kid. I don't know, maybe it's an intentional sacrifice thing? My point is, if you revealed that you had Buddha or Jesus locked in your basement and you called them out to beat up thugs, that would probably reflect badly on your immortal soul.

Anyway, blasphemy aside, Arceus is a wonderfully strange-looking dude. It's some sort of space-llama, jumping through a space-halo. But I actually like the design, because it is just so crazy and weird. It isn't some eldritch horror, but rather an incomprehensible being from beyond mortal understanding. Not good, nor evil, Arceus simply Is. And the ability to be any time at all is also cool, and makes sense. As does its perfect stats, which will likely never be contested.

While I think this leap in power is pretty silly, I do think Arceus does it well. And as long as no other legendaries try to come close, then it's fine. And judging by the 5th gen, I don't think Gamefreak is planning to, they knew they pushed it pretty damn far, and will back off. And once you accept the Arceus into your heart as your personal lord and savoir, then you will know peace.

Overall: 10/10

But so yeah, this is the end of the 4th generation, and what a note to end it on. Nearly 500 Pokemon, from the lowliest karp to the mightiest god. I've got hella feels about Sinnoh that I'll share in my summary, as well as favorites and such. Expect a delay, because I want to take this time to finally go through and re-do the links and tags.


  1. Arceus looks kind of like a centaur without visible arms

  2. To me that guy looked always like a creep. It just looks sooo weird.

    Being a christian and all, I do think its weird that a kid, 10-12 year old no less, is catching God/Chuthulu with a Masterball.

    This only strengthen my theory that it isnt THE Arceus but a rare arceus from the same lineage.
    Otherwise you could actually destroy the world by just telling him o do it.

    GAWD! I respect your decision but I really dont like that creep
