Thursday, April 2, 2020

No. 828: Thievul

Swiper, no swiping!

Again, there's nothing overtly wrong with Thievul. The tail-as-a-bag gimmick is gone, but we have a full-on mask and mustache instead. And at the end of the day, it's just a fancy fox.

I wish it had a bigger mustache, though. Give me man something to really twirl, a full Salvador Dali or Snidely Whiplash. but again, I can't hate.

Overall: 5/10


  1. Two posts in two days! You're spoiling us, mister.

    How is this one handled in the cartoon? Cause he's designed like something full of personality, like a Zorro character, but you don't really get that in the games cause it's just a thing that does attacks there.

    Anyhow, I like the design. It's simple, though. Like, an older design would have done more with it maybe, while other modern designs would've had _more design_, what with stripes and belts and whistles.

  2. Unremarkable fox.

    I wonder if the japanese audience feels this way to Ninetales since kitsunes are so common in their media as the sly fox trope is common in western media.

  3. This pokemon was just MADE for a villian to pet while explaining their evil plan to the super hero that they have tied up on the train tracks.
