Friday, April 24, 2020

No. 835: Yamper

from the people who brought you Wocket in my Pocket comes Yamper in my Camper

another cutie! Corgis were a meme dog for a while, (though not as much as the legendary doge) but I'm not gonna take points away for that. While Electrike fills the same niche and aimed to be a generic weirdo dog-thing, Yamper tries to resemble a specific breed and does so pretty well. I like how its ruff sparks out when it attacks, too.

Not the goodest boy ever, but still a good boy.

Overall: 7/10


  1. I found one of these and caught him right away because he was, evidently, adorable.

    But then something turned me off of him right quick and he never left the PC after that. I think it might have been the fact that he didn't seem to actually learn any Electric moves, other than Nuzzle, which deals like one damage on a good day.

  2. I don't like Yamper's soulless eyes

  3. Yes, nothing cuter than a dog that was bred to be a midget for midget's sake.
    "Hey, this one has weird short legs. What should we do, cook it and eat it because it's a mistake made by God?"
    "Fuck no! Breed the fuck out of it. The Queen of England and American hipsters will think it's cute, despite the genetic implications!"

  4. Actually, Corgis have a long history as a herding dog, specifically cattle. Their short stature make it harder for cows to kick them. I am against a number of breeds, pugs being arguably the most unethical, but corgi were not malicious or horrible.

    They literally just have a form of dwarfism that is homozygous dominant. That's why corgi mixes look so much like corgis: they are also dwarves.
