Saturday, April 25, 2020

No. 836: Boltund

Remember that Bolt movie from Disney? me neither

Unfortunately, Boltund doesn't manage to look badass enough to be truly "cool", or remain cute enough to work that way, either. It's got a doofy look on its face, and doesn't even resemble any specific breed anymore. It's just a generic dog, but with a crazy-go-nuts coloration pattern.

I think it's especially weird that the spots around its eyes now have hard lines, instead of the soft fade of Yamper.

Overall: 4/10


  1. It certainly looks athletic but in a mid-evolution way and the hard lines made me think that the spots were part of its eyes.

  2. This thing always rubbed me the wrong way. It just does not look like a final evolution.

  3. Those front paws look hella Sonic to me, for some reason.

  4. Looks like the stupid hyper dog that belongs to that annoying dog-lover friend we all have. You know that idiot who's house smells like dog, and their hyper dumbass dog jumps up on you when you come in and they are like "oh no, don't do that Bolhound" even though they clearly don't really care if he drools and gets gross hair/dandruff all over your nice clothes. They bathe him like once a year and his gross hairy schlong is slapping against your leg while you try to have a beer. Suddenly I understand what Bob Barker was going on about when he begged us to neuter our pets.
