Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No. 319: Sharpedo

I'm a shark! I'm a shark! Suck my dick! I'm a shark!

Oh no, someone cut Jaws in half! Wait, no, that's just Sharpedo. And he still kicks ass.

He's a Water/Dark type, and as you should know, whenever you see a Dark sub-type, get ready for awesome. Sharpedo is just a frigging torpedo shark, and that's something wonderful right there.

and a shark evolving from a Piranha actually makes a lot of sense, seeing as how they are both predatory fish and all. Like Pelipper evolving from Wingull. If Carvanha looked more sleek, like I pointed out yesterday, the color scheme would probably not be such a jarring change, but whatever. Sharpedo also has a badass X-shaped scar on its head, probably from ramming into mountains and shit. Or maybe it was a close call with a whaling vessel. That Sharpedo inevitably sunk, and ate the entire crew.

Seriously, there's not really much to explain here: he's a shark. He's a torpedo. He's Water/Dark. Just get bent already, rest of the ocean.

Overall: 10/10


  1. nice, i expected a favourable outcome for this one.

    the 10/10 tag is missing though! :O

  2. Sharpedo doesn't evolve from Carvanha, though.

  3. Sabertooth is right and now that anonymous guy looks like an idiot. and thanks for the catch, MDL. Sharpedo must be included in the Hall of Champions.
