Friday, November 11, 2011

No. 322: Numel

"But, the Camel hasn't any O," he managed to say. "The Dromedary," it said, winked a lazy eye, and went away.

Similar to how a Dark subtype makes a Pokemon badass, a Ground subtype makes it more useful. It gives it immunity to Electricity, and gives it STAB Earthquake against Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Steel. And in Numel's case, the Fire typing counters most of Ground's weaknesses, leaving it with weakness to only Ground and Water.

Also, I love the idea of a camel with its humps being volcanos. That's intense.

However, Numel looks like its herping an extraordinary amount of derps. It looks like a frigging plush toy. And why is the caldera green? Lava isn't green. So many kids got confused and thought Numel was pure Ground, or even Ground-Grass, I bet.

I also want to take this moment to talk about something that always pissed me off about the anime, as it went into the Hoenn region: they kept on coming across some people who raise a specific Pokemon for a specific purpose, and everyone always acts like it's such a unique thing, like only Numel could be used to heat water, because it's not like other Fire-types, or even stoves, exist. I remember one such episode, and Max, the little snot, actually says, "I've always wanted to go to a real live Numel ranch!" as if anyone could be excited about taking care of these dopey turds, but I guess Max is the kind of loser who likes pointless shit like that.

Overall: 6/10


  1. I must know what the phrase at the beginning means. It's driving me nuts.

    1. It's a quote from James Thurber's book, "The Wonderful O". In it, a lawyer is making everything with an "O" in its name illegal, but ends up haunted by a host of O-bearing creatures - moths, toads, hornets, owls, etc. He sees a camel and tries to ride it to escape, but it refuses.

      One of my favorite childhood books.
