Monday, February 6, 2012

No. 365: Walrein

Sorry, February, you won't have your way with me! I WILL manage to make a few posts this month!!

Okay, now we're talking. That cute little mooshy seal ball turned into a passable mid-size seal, and now it has become a dangerous walrus of death.

I really like the shape of the mustache/fur here. It reminds me of the organic feel of first-gen designs. Also, it's a mustache that started growing, reached the edge of the face, and just decided to kick reason to the curb and keep on growing, eventually covering all of his head and down the side of his neck.

Then, there's that neck fold thing. What the hell is that? Is that like the kind of scars manatees get when they get knicked by motorboats? Is that a scar from when someone tried to capture Walrein with a rope around its neck? That's a little sobering. Or maybe it's a single roll of fat, with stripes around it, I don't know.

But I do know that I much prefer this idea of what a "seal Pokemon" can be to the Seel - Dewgong trainwreck of the first generation.

Overall: 9/10


  1. a high level walrein also has large HP.
    i discovered this when fighting the ruby/sapphire elite four.
    the bastard sure took a while to go down.

  2. pokemon. When over time seals become walrus

  3. I'm sorry, but I'm a little perplexed about the rating. It's not as generic as Dewgong, but it's still just a blue walrus...

  4. Funny, I gave him that rating exactly because he is a blue walrus. Also, you're underestimating the hard-on I have for that kind of hair outline.

  5. Well, I guess that is a valid point.
    Walruses are in fact some of the coolest animals to ever exist, I´ll give you that.
    And yes, admittedly, that hair is fabulous.

  6. this one's awesome, but one of those pokemon that you just forget
