Monday, May 16, 2011

No. 199: Slowking

"I need pants."

So, if the Cloyster bits a Slowpoke on the ass, it turns into a Slowbro, fit only for macking on the ladies and wearing polo shirts with popped collars and playing Halo and Tony Hawk.

But if it bites the Slowpoke on the head, then instead of flat out killing it, the toxins make a super-genius among Slowpoke, the Slowking, who will lead his people to victory and freedom.

Or maybe not.

Because I still wouldn't trust Slowking with anything, much less a kingdom. The guy looks hereditarily irresponsible. Also, what the hell was up with him being able to talk in the second movie? He didn't even use any psychic powers, he just stone-cold talked. Mostly one-liners, as I recall.

Overall: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. *shrugs*
    Maybe the oneliners are america-only and the original might have better lines in it for it?

    Besides we alll know Psychics are so smart that they talk to us in various ways and teaching Psychics to float their balls whil wearing no-YES I HATE THE PSYCHIC DESIGN IN GEN III,LEAVE ME ALONE!
