Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No. 201: Unown

Remember Alpha-bits? I don't.

I like how the Unown are presented in the movies, as a sort of hive-minded cluster of power, but not really intelligent in their own right, only responding to other people's wishes and such. But in the game, they ain't worth a shit. Seriously, collecting all of the Unown in Silver was the biggest waste of time since someone told Charlie Sheen to "maybe stop taking so many drugs".

But let's examine the entire alphabet, here.

Most of these are fine, and some of them actually look pretty cool and unique. A, H, S in particular are my favorites.

but then you get ones like V, with its random hat, or Q, with its stupid-looking appendage, or frigging G. I mean, seriously. How in anyone's mind does that look like a G. or even a g. It does not. B, on the other hand, looks a lot like those g's you see in books, you know? I don't know anyone who actually writes them like that, though.

In fact, C looks more like a G. But then what would they do for C? Maybe something like O, but without the hoop connecting all the way around.

And then you have T, which is just a straight-up T on top. boom.

and I don't like the new punctuation ones. Completely unnecessary, as if anyone wants to write with the Unown as letters or anything. Only 3rd graders want to do that.

Overall: 5/10

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