Friday, January 18, 2013

No. 589: Escavalier

this evolution will make zero sense until we hit number 616, I have no idea why they separated these guys in the Pokedex

but holy guacamole, do I like what I'm seeing. Have you ever asked for a Bug-type with Attack? And also both kinds of defense? because if you did, go ahead and ask a friend to pinch you, because you aren't dreaming. Escavalier moves slow like turtle, but that's just because of how he's dual-wielding LANCES.

the name is also the product of some deranged pun-making genius. escargot + cavalier + Excalibur = Weevil Underwood's wet dream.

I just wish he learned a wider variety of moves, is all. But it doesn't bother me that much, because that crest is truly magnificent. Escavelier is a shining paladin of a coleoptera.

Overall: 10/10


  1. That crest looks like a cut mushroom and the next pokemon after it is a mushroom.

  2. It makes me love Steel and bug types
