Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No. 595: Joltik

oh my gosh, you guys, is it my birthday? did you get me this? oh, you shouldn't have. how did you know?

It's just what I've always wanted, a cute little Electric/Bug, Joltik!!

Joltik is 4 inches big, and that's just the right size to fit in your pocket. Which I would do all of the day, if I had one, because it is cute as anything. Tarantulas are fuzzy, but I don't think it's a kind of fuzz you would like to pet. Joltik takes that idea, and makes it ideal - I'm saying Joltiks are great things to pet, as long as you don't mind static cling.

I also like how its moves all tie together - it has a high speed, and learns Electro Ball (which does more damage the faster you are than your opponent). And in case you want to get even faster (proportionally) you can use Electro Web to do some damage as well as slow them down. I love moves like that, because while I am usually loathe to use boring status moves, if they do even a bit of damage it becomes more worth it.

a wonderful Pokemon, both in gameplay-concept, and in design.

overall: 10/10

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