Sunday, November 11, 2012

No. 542: Leavanny

Leaf it to the final stage to vindicate a Pokemon!

Sweet Christmas  look how freakin' dapper this guy looks. He's got coattails, a proper, refined stance, pantaloons, and even bows a little in his animations I think. Guy's like the Fred Astaire of Bug Pokemon, which is admittedly a little like saying Ringo is the most prominent drummer in the Beatles, but my point still stands. classy bug is classy. I wish his shiny sprite was black and white, but that would be almost too much.

He also gets a pretty good attack and speed stats, which means you can just X-Scissor and Leaf Blade everything in your path. Just watch out for any lit matches, and you'll be fine. I think this is one of the few 3-stage-bugs that ends up actually above average. After nothing but shit for 2 generations, Bug Pokemon are finally making a comeback here in Unova.

Overall: 8/10

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