Thursday, December 27, 2012

No. 577: Solosis

Freud would've had a field day with this one.

Look, I don't like to make sex jokes. They're tasteless and vulgar, and often thrown around for cheap shock jokes. I'll use most of the swears, but I really don't like to talk about obscenely biological things that much, because what if your mom was looking over your shoulder when you read NAPACE? she'd blush something fierce, I'd bet. but there's no getting around it with Solosis, so here goes:

It looks like a floating green ass with a gaping vagina right in the middle. Or gaping asshole, if you're into that sort of thing.

I know, I know, it's supposed to be a cell undergoing the process of mitosis, but even that ends up looking like boobs at best. Hell, those dividing lines are even scientifically known as the Cleavage Furrow! Sure made us all giggle back in high school biology I'll tell ya what. also, what is that little yellow squiggle supposed to be? the tail of a sperm wiggling into an egg? Filthy.

Solosis is just disgusting to me, and makes me think about genitals WAY more than I like to when I play Pokemon. Get it out of here. The only thing remotely redeeming about it is that the concept of a giant single cell is actually kinda neat.

Overall: 2/10


  1. i.....never...looked at it....that....way.....

  2. Look at it this way. I think Solosis looks a lot like a Goatse. The guy stretching his anus.. That's just nasty

  3. I never saw that. I still don't see it.

  4. That thing is the most adorable pokemon I have ever seen. That yellow squiggle is the tail of a sperm cell that went into it. It looks like the face of a bulldog.

  5. i never saw it that way, and i think the problem lies with your interpretations of it.

    i personally find it cute.
    soft, jelly-like, innocent.

    pretty much the opposite of your first impression.

  6. Wow...NOW i can not unsee it o_O

  7. That is literally immediately what I thought it was. I saw it for the first time and was like um.... this is literally a floating ass Pokémon with a butthole. And eyes.
