okay, no fooling, this Pokemon is also known as "that Pokemon whose name can be read in both directions"

Surprisingly, Alomomola isn't an evolution of Luvdisc. Despite the fact that it is a pink, vertically symmetrical fish with rounded, almost heart-shaped bits, and that it has a lot of HP and focuses on healing teammates, it has no relation to the pink, vertically symmetrical fish that is shaped like a literal heart.
see, in many cases I think that a Pokemon is fine enough, and doesn't need a baby or evolution. But Luvdisc, Luvdisc was kinda shit. A strong, focused evolution like Alomomola would justify Luvdisc's existence. And having two of them be so similar, but not connected, bugs me.
In the end it might not matter, because Alomomola is pretty tame looking, with a gimmick that Audino does better. Also what is it with high-HP Pokemon being pink? anyway, Alomomola has a silly name and doesn't live up to the low expectations set out for it. "be better than Luvdisc" isn't hard, but Alomomola ends up being as wasteful a Pokeball as that one.
Overall: 1/10
p.s. please excuse the large break. I was participating in the Global Game Jam, if you know what that is. I like to explain when I don't update for over a week, but this time didn't feel important enough to make a separate post. But I ended up writing as much down here as I would have anyway. OH WELL