Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No. 294: Loudred

get a load of this horse's ass

I knew a couple kids who were all nice and quiet in elementary school, but when I saw them again in high school, they were loud, foul-mouthed jerks.

Except, I like Loudred much more than Whismur. Loudred has boombox speakers for ears, and is apparently shouting at the top of his lungs all the time. He really doesn't look a thing like Whismur, which in a way makes sense, because they act completely different, but it's also stupid, because the whole point of Pokemon evolving is seeing the cute little monster you love turn into this big, badass engine of destruction.

I mean, I don't like Whismur, a fact I will state any number of times, but it must've been kinda rough for the people who did. They expected a bigger, softer, cuter lump, but instead got this rude ass.

which is actually hilarious. Eat shit, people who like Whismur.

Overall: 6/10

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