Friday, October 28, 2011

No. 308: Medicham


I love those kind of pants. Those genie pants, baloon pants, puffy pants, whatever you want to call them. The kind that Djinn wear. Those pants are great. Sometimes you see ninjas with something similar, except it only goes to the knees instead of the calf. either way, I'm a sucker for the "puffy and then suddenly skinny" design of leg coverings.

However, Medicham is in a weird position. He's got even Special and Physical properties, which is good, because as a Supreme Yoga Master he obviously has attained perfect balance of the spiritual and physical, but then his defensive stats are slightly higher than his offensive ones. And neither ones are great either. This too, wouldn't be that bad, because a Supreme Yoga Master should be patient. But then he's got a low Health and higher Speed, which completely contradicts his other stats.

I guess I could see him being an all-rounder, with slight specializations, but none of his stats are high enough to justify them being so even. It's a pity, because I'd totally use Medicham.

also, his shiny sprite is blue, and Meditite's is red. See that? That's smart shiny design right there.

Overall: 7/10


  1. medicham actually has great attack thanks to his ability, pure power, which doubles his attack

  2. Hmm. Somehow I never noticed that. But it makes me question - why is that an ability? why not just give him base 120 Atk? Why mess up the physical/special balance I mentioned?

    good to know, maybe I'll use a Medicham in my next playthrough, but it's not enough to change my score.

  3. the ability doesn't double his base stat. for example, at level 100 medicham's max posible attack is 240. his ability would make his attack hit 480, which is way more than a 120 base attack stat (at level 100 that is 372)

  4. I think this entry should be updated with the 3DS sprite, where he totally looks like a pair of pink balls undulating gently.
