Sunday, October 16, 2011

No. 297: Hariyama

Isn't Sumo just a bunch of fat, sweaty guys lunging awkwardly at each other for about 5 seconds and then calling it a day?

First thing that comes to my mind when I see Hariyama: bitch slaps. Those hands look like they should be able to dole out some bitchin' pimp slaps. Or perhaps some pimpin' bitch slaps. Is there a difference?

Also, it shows how Japan thinks of Sumo wrestling, of which Hariyama is obviously inspired. They think it is all about open-hand palm thrusts/slaps, as seen in E. Honda's moveset. Notice that whenever Sumo gets parodied in anime or anything, they always do a bunch of slaps and stuff. We think of it as, you know, wrestling, and expect throwing and grappling of a sort. Both of these are present in the sport, but it's interesting how different cultures focus on different attributes.

as for the Pokemon himself, I don't like how he isn't a bag of some sort like Makuhita. His over sized hands are also honestly goofy. I don't know what I expected a sumo Pokemon to look like, but it wasn't this.

Overall: 5/10


  1. I have one named Big Belly(my brother's suggestion). It. is. not what I usually use.

  2. Whoa brother, think about this. Hariyamas are 2.3 metres tall. Taller than Shaquille O'Neal, about the same height as Yao Ming. Maybe even taller by a head if you feed your Hariyama a lot.
    And if they get tall, they must also get broader to stay true to their body shape. Imagine how heavy they are. I am actually really surprised that a Hariyama is so light. In real life, they would be twice as heavy as a Snorlax.

    Pokémon and their bullshit powers of logic.
