Sunday, April 29, 2012

No. 426: Drifblim

Any Led Zeppelin fans in the house?

well, too fricken bad. Because this guy here is a hot air balloon. If he had a third evolution, it would definitely be a zeppelin, though. That would be badass.

So, Drifblim has that silly little whipped cream topping, the yellow cross, and some dangling arms with yellow tips. That's nice continuity. But I don't like the red bits. I'm guessing they wanted the red at the bottom to represent the fire that heats the balloon, but it's pointed the other way, right? doesn't it look like it would be shooting down?

again, it seems like adding new colors into a perfectly acceptable mix is just a bad idea. A little dangling basket, like an unhinged lower jaw, that would've been great.

Overall: 5/10

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