Of course, as awesome as MetalGreymon is, we can improve on the concept - how about a skeleton dragon, with a goddamn living-flesh rocket torpedo? Can I get a round of 'Hell Yeah's?
I'm serious, everybody reading this needs to stop and give me a 'Hell Yeah' right now, out loud, before continuing. I'm not gonna keep writing until you do. And I don't mean a little half-assed under-your-breath, whisper-scream, either. I mean an honest 'Hell Yeah', from the gut. Okay, we good? Wait, Chris, I didn't hear you. Yes, you. There, that's better. Anyway.
SkullGreymon is radical and I love his big, scraggly tooth grin. Dude looks straight outta the margins of a talented middle schooler's notebook, just a big mess of X-treme bones and attitude. And I can't mention enough how bizarre it is that his rocket launches out of his back (MetalGreymon and Andromon shot rockets, but out of their chests like a normal person), and that rocket is somehow more fleshy than his skeletal frame. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't care, SkullGreymon is amazing.
Now how about another 'Hell Yeah'?
I read this on the bus so I'm sorry but I didn't yell out Hell Yeah :(
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to un-read it until you resolve the matter with a hearty Hell Yeah.