Monday, October 23, 2017

Favorite Digimon #9 - Shurimon

another wiggly arm boy

I'll be honest - I've never seen Shurimon actually appear in the anime, or any game. But I had a toy of him, and I LOVE this design. The original conception of Hitmonlee was that his legs were coiled springs, but that kinda got left by the wayside. Shurimon picks up that fumble and runs it all the way back for a touchdown.

I love the fusion of plant themes to ninja motifs, the leaf-pauldrons are genius, and of course it wouldn't be enough to simply have shuriken hands. No, this guy wanted shuriken feet too, and just in case, put a big ol' one on back, just for the hell of it.

Plus - double belts. He's a Digimon, after all. Can't leave the important bits out.

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