Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Favorite Digimon #14 - MetalGreymon

Somehow, this is the largest image I can find of this official art. It's even smaller than the pics I've been using for the others. If anyone has links to some truly high-resolution official Digimon art, please let me know. The ones in the comments are broken.

Anyway, if Agumon was clearly the Charmander of Digimon (and arguably the Pikachu, as well), then MetalGreymon is probably the Charmeleon. (WarGreymon would be Charizard)

Greymon sucks because he's just a big dumpy T-rex and nobody cares, but MetalGreymon is a cyborg dragon and everybody loved him. The way he has exposed metal circuits on his tail is like those "battle damage" variants of action figures I used to beg my mom to buy in Target. Because yes, it's important that I have both a regular Batman, and a Batman with parts of his armor torn off and scars and shit. That sense of "damaged, but repaired" extends to his wings, which are inexplicably tattered.

The final bit we have to talk about is the little feather-hair coming up from the back of his helmet - that was all over the place on Digimon, for some reason. The helmet covering the top half of the face is an even more common motif, but how come they all had feathers? What the hell was that about?


  1. How about this one?


    Unfortunately on this one its tail is hidden.

    1. Or you can try this one

