In Pokemon, this guy would have to use something entirely different from Mamemon. But in the wonderful world of Digimon, you can just slap "metal" in front of it, to signify he's now a cyborg or some shit idk and you're good to go!
But I do like this guy. Wolverine claws are sick, and I won't ever say no to a giant arm cannon that's as big as your own actual body.
For comparison's sake, there's regular Mamemon - who I actually dig on his own. You can see the basic similarity with Mushroomon - studded gloves, with belt-rope things on them. Hey, I love my punch-em-ups. But MetalMamemon edges out by virtue of those aforementioned cybernetic weapons. Also possibly a V8 Engine in his back? Look, he's just a head with limbs, but he's rocking out as best he can.
This one is unsettling for me because as a kid I thought the Metalmamemon's helmet came from Mamemon's skin (Both are gray) so the red body was the bare muscles flayed.