Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four

oh, be still, my heart!

Brown? check
Hawaiian brown? check
Confident about showing some skin? check
Short hair? check
Uses Ghost-types? check
Giant pink flowers stuck to the side of her head like alien growths? check

yeah, that's pretty much everything on the "my ideal woman" check list right there.

no seriously, Phoebe is great. Memorable design, if a little questionable as to why she would use Ghosts. But I think one has to cut the Elite Four some slack in this regard, as I've said before - they're already the elite trainers, they don't got nothin' to prove. She's a spunky islander girl who just so happens to love Ghosts, that's all there is to it.

okay, I guess there should be more to it than that, but c'mon. is Phoebe. is cool. Especially like the consistency between the flowers on her skirt and the flowers in her hair, and I'm a sucker for the Pokeball motif appearing anywhere on clothing it seems.

Overall: 8/10
In the remake


  1. I think her interest in Ghost types comes from the fact that her Grandmother lives on Mt. Pyre which is known for all the Ghost types that you can find there.

  2. I think the Ghost thing derives from Tahiti and those Polinesian islands with their voodoo stuff.

  3. The beliefs of many Pacific island cultures are totally different than what most of us here in the western world are accustomed to. Where this is perhaps most evident is in their beliefs regarding death. They believe (or, believed, anyways) that ghosts of the departed are not only real, but constantly present, and frequently involved in the going-ons of the living. That's where Phoebe's Ghost-type speciality stems from.

    1. I don't think a belief in the supernatural is unique to the Pacific Islands, though. Every culture around the world has powerful superstitions that used to rule the lives of common people. It's only a relatively modern stance to reject the notion of ghosts as unreal. Hell, less than 100 years ago Spiritualism was a dominant force in American popular culture, oujia boards and seances and mediums and the like.
